Industry News

Solution of Cold Roll Forming Machine Punching System

Solution of Cold Roll Forming Machine Punching System

【Industry Introduction】

In the cold-formed production line, punching devices are often needed to complete the automatic production of the entire set of equipment, which can facilitate the rapid transformation of cold-formed steel into products of a certain specification, which is convenient for direct packaging and shipment after output. The traditional punching method is the stop-cutting method, the feeding moves to a certain position, and then stops for punching. Currently, on the market, models that use chasing and shearing synchronous mode for punching without stopping.

As cold-formed steel products are widely used in construction, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, electronics industry, and machinery manufacturing industry, according to the user’s requirements for the variety, specification, and quality of steel products, the equipment control scheme developed by Xinjie has a faster production speed, Higher production capacity, and can enhance the value of the equipment. It is foreseeable that multi-length switching, punching + cutting will become mainstream functions in the future.

【working principle】

The cold roll forming and punching equipment is matched with the cold bending in the previous process, and is composed of punching and cutting hydraulic cylinders, mobile platforms, punching dies, cutter dies, and other mechanical equipment. Combined with electrical equipment such as photoelectric encoders, servos, and PLCs to form a processing system. The main process is to determine the timing of punching and cutting according to the set specifications and formulas and to control the chasing and shearing action of the servo motion platform.















【Cutting solution】

Hydraulic cut-off, flying non-stop cut-off